Exploring the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from Spleen-Stomach Theory Based on Intestinal Flora
投稿时间:2023-11-29  录用日期:2023-12-19
中文关键词: 肠道菌群  慢性疲劳综合征  脾胃学说
英文关键词: Intestinal flora  Chronic fatigue syndrome  Theory of spleen and stomach
摘要点击次数: 119
全文下载次数: 80
      Modern research has found that intestinal flora can be involved in the process of chronic fatigue syndrome through the immune system,mental and psychological,neuroendocrine system and other channels.Chronic fatigue syndrome is located in the spleen,with deficiency of the spleen and stomach as the basic pathogenesis,and the treatment is to strengthen the spleen and stomach. Chinese medicine believes that the intestinal flora is connected to the spleen and the earth,and the intestinal flora is an important target for spleen-enhancing drugs. By regulating the intestinal flora,spleen-enhancing drugs can improve intestinal disorders,thereby harmonizing the spleen and stomach and improving the symptoms of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. In this paper,we focus on the connection between spleen,intestinal flora and chronic fatigue syndrome,in order to interpret the biological mechanism of treating chronic fatigue syndrome from the viewpoint of spleen and stomach through the intestinal microorganisms,to further enrich the scientific connotation of the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome by traditional Chinese medicine,and to provide a new way of thinking for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. It has been found that the gut microbiota can affect the occurrence and progression of chronic fatigue syndrome. The gut microbiota assists in digestive function and corresponds to the spleen's main movement, assists in participating in the body's immune system function and corresponds to the spleen's health, regulates mental and psychological functions in accordance with the spleen's will, and is similar to the symptoms of spleen and stomach dysfunction. The use of spleen tonifying drugs to treat spleen and stomach disorders, represented by the spleen and stomach harmony method, can effectively improve the ecology of the gut microbiota and have a better therapeutic effect on CFS, During clinical practice, attention should be paid to strengthening the spleen and stomach to aid in transportation and digestion, and regulating the smooth rise and fall to aid in qi circulation.
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