Clinical Research on the effects of Xuanjinjiangni Decoction on anxiety and depression in patients with Reflux Esophagitis with the type of Heat Stagnation of Liver and Stomach
投稿时间:2019-09-16  录用日期:2019-10-28
中文关键词: 旋金降逆汤,反流性食管炎,肝胃郁热证,焦虑自评量表,抑郁自评量表,临床研究
英文关键词: Xuanjinjiangni  Decoction, Reflux  Esophagitis, Heat  Stagnation of  Liver and  Stomach, Self-Rating  Anxiety Scale, Self-Rating  Depression Scale, Clinical  Research.
基金项目:嘉定区科委立项项目(JDKW-2016-w24);上海市“杏林新星”计划(ZY3-RCPY-2-2060);嘉定区第二批中医脾胃病重点专科建设项目(2017-ZYZDZK-01);嘉定区中医工作室建设项目(ZYGZS-06)第一作者:吴晓华(1966-),学士,主治医师,从事于中医药脾胃病研究;通讯作者:尚莹莹(1984-),博士,副主任医师,从事于中医药脾胃病研究。通讯地址:上海市嘉定区博乐路222号嘉定区中医医院内科医生办公室 邮编:201800 联系电话:13671707349 021-39921303 E-mail:shangyingying2001@163.com.
吴晓华 上海市嘉定区中医医院 201800
郭召平 上海市嘉定区中医医院 201800
尚莹莹* 上海市嘉定区中医医院 201800
杨伟 上海市嘉定区中医医院 201800
肖定洪 上海市嘉定区中医医院 201800
梁春耕 上海市嘉定区中医医院 201800
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      Object: To observe the effect of Xuanjinjiangni decoction on anxiety and depression in patients with Reflux Esophagitis with the type of Heat Stagnation of Liver and Stomach. Methods: Through the random number tables generated by Rand () formula with the Excel software, 80 patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group(n=40), respectively treated with Xuanjinjiangni decoction and omeprazole. After 8 weeks, compare the clinical sypmtoms, esophageal mucosal inflammation, and scores of self-rating anxiety scale and self-rating depression scale. Results: 1.Clinical efficacy: clinical effective rate in treatment group was 82.5% and control group was 57.14% . There was significant difference between two groups (P<0.05).2. Endoscopic efficacy: The effective rate of improvement of esophageal mucosal inflammation in treatment group was 63.64% and 65.0% in control group. There was no significant difference between two groups (P>0.05).3. Scores of self-rating anxiety scale: scores of self-rating anxiety scale of the treatment group and the control group were significantly decreased after treatment, and the treatment group was better than the control group (P<0.05).4. Scores of self-rating depression scale: the depression scale scores of the treatment group and the control group were significantly decreased after treatment, however, there was no significant difference between two groups (P<0.05).Conclusion: Xuanjinjiangyi decoction can relieve clinical symptoms, improve esophageal mucosal inflammation and the anxiety and depression in patients with reflux esophagitis with the type of heat stagnation of liver and stomach.
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