投稿时间:2024-01-27  录用日期:2024-03-26
中文关键词: 特发性肺纤维化  玄府  气液  络脉  辨治思路
英文关键词: 【Keywords】: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis  Xuan Mansion  Air and liquid  Collaterals  Thinking of differentiation and treatment
李金飞 云南中医药大学 650000
苏玉杰* 云南中医药大学 650000
摘要点击次数: 51
全文下载次数: 0
      摘要:特发性肺纤维化(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,IPF)是一种慢性、进展性的间质性肺疾病,属中医学“肺痹”、“肺萎”范畴。从中医玄府理论、气液理论、络病理论角度出发,归纳IPF基本病机为“玄府郁闭、肺失宣降为发病之因”,气液不通、痰瘀痹阻为病变之枢,肺络瘀阻、肺失其用为病进之果,此病变过程与现代医学的肺部微循环改变、炎性微环境不谋而合,探讨IPF与“玄府-气液-肺络”的关系,认为“气络-玄府-血络”结构高度契合肺脏与外界气体交换的生理特性及外邪由浅入深的传变规律。基于此审机论治,以承制调平为立足点,分期论治IPF,治法有抵御外邪、畅通玄府、输步气液、补肺通络、扶正调平。本文系统梳理IPF的辨治思路,临床效果良好。
      【Abstract】: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive interstitial lung disease,which belongs to the category of "lung impediment" and "lung wilt" in traditional Chinese medicine. From the perspective of Xuanfu theory, gas-liquid theory and collaterals disease theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the basic pathogenesis of IPF is summarized as "the stagnation of Xuanfu and the loss of lung proclamation as the cause of the disease", the obstruction of Qi and fluid, the obstruction of phlegm and blood stasis of lung and the loss of lung are the results of the disease progression. The pathological process coincides with the changes of pulmonary microcirculation and inflammatory microenvironment in modern medicine. The relationship between IPF and "Xuanfu - gas-liquid - lung" was discussed, and the structure of "qi collateral-Xuanfu - blood collaterality" was highly consistent with the physiological characteristics of gas exchange between the lung and the outside world and the law of the transfer of exogenous evil from shallow to deep. Based on this stage, the treatment of IPF includes resisting external evil, unblocking Xuanfu, injecting qi and liquid, tonifying lung and clearing collaterals, and fuzheng and leveling. In this paper, the differentiation and treatment of IPF are systematically reviewed, and the clinical effect is good.
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